Did you know that bed bugs are able to live without food for several months or longer?
It can be stressful to notice tiny red dots on your skin that itch. There are many things that can be causing this type of reaction.
You might think that the worst possibility is that bed bugs or fleas have bitten you since this means that they’ve found their way into your home.
There are many similarities between bed bug bites vs flea bites, and it is important to know how to tell the two types of bites apart.
To make things easier for you, we have written a guide. Keep reading if you want to find out more about Bed Bug Bites vs Flea Bites
Bed Bug Bites vs Flea Bites
Bed bug bites and flea bites both tend to be clustered in specific areas of the body. It is not common for them to be spread all over the body.
If you scratch these bumps too much, they might start to bleed.
Fleas tend to feed on animal blood instead of human blood. But they will consume human blood if they get the chance to do so.
On the other hand, bed bugs only consume human blood. If you notice that the bits on your skin are in linear rows of ten or more, you might have been bitten by bed bugs.
Flea bites tend to be more random. Sometimes they are grouped in twos or threes.
Flea bites and bed bug bites will both itch. Flea bites will turn into blisters within a day or two after they appear.
If you’ve been bitten by a bed bug, you’ll notice that there is a darker spot in the middle of each bite. Your skin will probably be raised where you’ve been bitten.
It is more common for bed bugs to bite the lower half of your body, especially on your calves, ankles, and inside the bends of your elbows and knees.
It is more likely for fleas to bite the upper part of your body, including your shoulders, back, and arms.
Flea Bites: What You Need to Know
Most people get fleas from their pets. Even though they are not capable of flying, they can jump up to eight inches. They will start to bite immediately after they land on their host.
People who are allergic to fleas might break out into hives. They also might experience swelling or blistering.
Keep in mind that it might be difficult to tell if you’ve been bitten by bed bugs or fleas if your pets sleep with you in your bed.
It is easy to prevent yourself and your family from being bitten by fleas. All that you need to do is apply the proper flea medication to your pet on a regular basis.
You should also make sure to frequently vacuum your carpets and to keep your pets’ bedding clean. If you suspect that you have a bedbug or flea infestation, you should get ahold of an exterminator.
You’ll know that your pets have fleas if they are constantly scratching and biting themselves. They also might have red patches of skin and start losing hair in the areas where fleas are biting them.
Treating Flea Bites
If you’ve been bitten by fleas, it is a good idea to take an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl. This will help to get rid of itching and swelling.
If your symptoms do not go away, you can visit a doctor. They might be able to give you a prescription for a topical steroid in order to reduce inflammation.
Your doctor will also be able to prescribe medications for treating diseases that fleas spread.
Bedbug Bites: What You Need to Know
Bedbugs usually live in people’s mattresses, bedding, and furniture. They are small oval-shaped bugs. They have a brownish color.
Bedbugs will wait until you fall asleep to start biting you. Most people don’t notice when they get bitten by bedbugs because bedbugs release a numbing agent into your skin when they bite you.
It is not a good idea to scratch bedbug bites. It might take up to a week for the wounds to heal. But it can take a month or more for these wounds to heal if you continually scratch them.
Fortunately, they don’t carry diseases. But it is normal for your skin to swell after you’ve been bitten.
It is a good idea to periodically check your mattresses and furniture for bedbugs. You can tell that they have gotten into your mattress and bedding if you notice a reddish color or small brown dots.
You can prevent bedbugs from getting into your mattress by covering it with a protective plastic coating.
It’s also essential that you look through your luggage and clothing after you return home from traveling.
If you notice signs of bedbugs, make sure to wash your belongings in very hot water. Bedbugs cannot survive in high temperatures.
Treating Bed Bug Bites
You’ll need to treat bed bug bites in similar ways that you treat flea bites. Consider taking an oral antihistamine or an anti-itch cream.
You can also create a mixture of water and baking soda. After creating a paste, apply it to the areas of your skin where you’ve been bitten.
Understand the Differences Between Bed Bug Bites vs Flea Bites
Even though it might be challenging to tell the difference between bed bug bites vs flea bites, there are several ways to tell them apart.
Bed bugs tend to bite people below their waists, while fleas prefer to bite people on their upper bodies.
Are you looking for a skilled and professional exterminator in Denver? If so, you should hire Thermal Clean. Don’t hesitate to contact us today once you are ready to get started.